The Cafe' Coco Groove

Sometimes you just go to the right place at the right time on the day you really need it.
I spent the morning waiting for an oil change and small repair at the car dealership. By the time it was finally finished it was an hour and a half past my usual coffee shop stop time, so all my usual spots were jam packed and I was looking for some table space to write and some food and caffeine fast.
Finally I came over to Cafe' Coco, walked up to the counter and ordered a traditional scrambled eggs and ham with toast breakfast and a latte' and had my pick of quirky cozy corners and tables. I opted for a corner table in the front room where I had a window view of the front porch and the street. It's always good to have a view of the door to see all the interesting characters coming in and out, especially when you're a blogger in Nashville.
I haven't been here for awhile but I always enjoy it. I played a gig here with The Galaxy Of Howling Dogs a few years ago. They have a back room with a bar and music in the evenings. The Cafe' is open all night. My wife and I come here more often in the summer because we love the outdoor seating on the porch and the patio that wraps around the side.
Cafe' Coco is quirky and kitschy and very Nashville. It's very busy in the evenings when the Elliston Place area is buzzing with shows at the Exit In and The End but it's perfect in the mornings and afternoon when you're looking for a place with a little more room for you to stretch out and do your thing for awhile.
This morning it was a sweet spot to spread out my stuff and take care of business while grooving to some great retro soul and indie rock. Most of all the eggs and ham hit the spot and the latte' calmed my agitated nerves. All is fine now.
Catch ya next time, Jerry O

The Cafe' Coco Groove

The Cafe' Coco Groove

The Cafe' Coco Groove

The Cafe' Coco Groove

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