Homeless Cyber Cowboy Surfer Saint

It's a clink blink click away world
a scratch attack
boink doink digital dance
select your ringtone world

Oh my God
They turned the cable off
My Internet connection down
The landline unplugged
So what?

I will not be deleted...

I just sacrifice my body
and lie down in the middle
of the super Inter-web freeway
and let the ones and zeros
mow me down to the beat of
LCD Sound System
while I hijack a ride across web land
from a caffeinated post downtown
like a cyber cowboy surfer saint
riding his hologram horse
through air dense with radio waves and satellite beams

Maybe it's hard times according to
the old way of thinking
but I can walk through walls of fire

If you own nothing
everything is free
Occupy. Lol

As long as I can hold on to the little black box I will keep connection
to the world of blips and bleeps
dots and dashes

Everything that holds us to civility?

A cowboy has to hold onto his pistol
Is the alternative to disappear?
Become a recluse? A hermit?l
You might see me under a
freeway overpass
warming my hands over a barrel fire
and sleeping in a cardboard box
but I will be holding tight
to my little black box
tink tink
and surfing your micro waves

Yes, perhaps homeless
and penniless
disdained by some
but I will be the
Homeless Surfer Cowboy Saint
turned Robin Hood

Until THEY catch me.

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